I wanted to become a writer, but I became a chef.

Hello. I’m glad you’re here. You should know that, apart from cooking being my profession, I love cooking; and I believe the latter is more important than the former. I was born in a city where the variety of food is as diverse as the whole of Europe. In Rasht, the creative city of Iranian cuisine, which is registered in UNESCO with more than one hundred and seventy different types of food. When I was seven or eight years old, every six months, a postal package from a distant acquaintance would arrive for us, a package of various souvenirs, among which I remember nothing but a doll and cooking magazines. All I remember is being mesmerized by the pictures of New Year’s turkeys, strawberry jellies, arrangements of spoons, napkins, and plates; so mesmerized that I remember every detail of those images.

I joined Allameh Tabataba’i University in 2002. I studied sociology in university and spent years working in the fields of books, culture, lifestyle, and journalism. After five or six years, I moved away from the stressful environment of news and started working in publishing. Words and editing texts gave me refuge for years. Yet, cooking, mixing spices, and creating new dishes were my constant companions. I pursued cooking seriously and learned and cooked alongside the great masters of Iranian cuisine. From Iranian dishes to modern foods, from baking and pastry courses to various fast food courses, from soups and salads to barbecue courses.

However, in the meantime, my love for those cooking images etched in my mind drew me to the professional scene of food photography. Occasionally, I would publish photos of my dishes along with stories on my Instagram page and blog. But I had to become professional in photography too, taking advanced photography courses led me to a new field in branding and advertising. In the past eight years, I have collaborated with hundreds of brands in the field of food and home products. Being a chef and also having expertise in digital and content production has led me to have a very fruitful resume in this field. But the question was, which one was I? A writer? A photographer? A content creator? No, I am a chef; and that’s why I am here to propagate the knowledge, skill, and love of cooking in a new way among its enthusiasts.